the poster boy for rescue adoption (in fact, for senior rescue adoption) is our own max pants.

we bathed him, fed him good food (no more waffles, no more mighty dog), slathered a variety of fancy emollients onto his ears and ended up spending five million bucks on fang removal because his mouth was a rotten cave of evil.
after only a few weeks, we realized we had a shiny new dog who smelled, well, he still smelled like a dog, but other than that, he was spectacular.

of course, the real reason we brought max home is because we hoped he'd be a good influence on guthrie. i think i mentioned before that guthrie is store-bought and although we love him, well, he needed a little help. some would say a lot of help. the two guys hit it off right away. they spend a good part of their time on the back of the couch keeping the small front yard free of cats, birds and squirrels. they yell at dogs on the sidewalk who pee on their trees. they keep watch for the delivery guys who bring pizza or super nachos.
max has made guthrie just a little more gentle and he's lent an air of dignity to out otherwise tornado-like family. he sounds like a whale and a walrus and a moose all singing together and he needs little doggie stairs to get up on the bed. although his eyes are nearly white he can glare as intimidatingly as a monstrous guard dog. there was a time we were putting hot sauce on the furniture to keep guthrie from devouring it. i think guthrie cut out many of his puppy behaviors simply because he felt shamed when max saw him. guthrie has learned quite a bit from max. he really understands the value of a good nap.

and we have learned quite a bit, too. max sets the pace in our house. after all, he is the oldest.

Those two are so cute together! Good on you.
i have witnessed Max shaming Guthrie when Guthrie was eating his own poop. sadly, guthrie's memory of the shaming was short-lived as he turned around and ate some more.
you need to recount how ruby and jimmy tried to murder poor guthrie and max.
stay tuned for the very shakespearean account of the tragedy of the animal assassins.
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