Friday, February 22, 2008


more baby stuff. more yarn. this is a basic top-down sweater pattern (they're all over the internet and are easy to modify) with an umbilical cord hat (from stitch 'n bitch). the mittens don't have thumbs because if you've ever seen a baby up close, they don't keep their thumbs too far from the rest of themselves. i tried to convince my sister that baby thumbs don't grown in until they're older, but she's not paying attention to that sort of thing. the mittens are made like tiny hats and are on i-cord that runs through the sleeves for lower mitten-loss. they're also easy to remove from the coat.

i love the giant old lady buttons and am, in general, a huge fan of giant buttons on baby things. and bold colors. if i think my grandma nellie might have liked the button/color combo, i'm happy. most of the buttons i use come from tins she kept in her house for, i guess, button emergencies.

because we had a giant blizzard here overnight (but not a snow day because there's no school), i thought i'd put the little redbird in its natural habitat- a snowy brooklyn backyard. these photos were taken just as the soft, fluffy snow was turning to stabbing ice pellets. as you can see to the left, even the train cut looks sassy in the snow.

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