Saturday, December 13, 2008

sleeping dogs and jim

sometimes the world gets ridiculous. knife wielding children, murderous garbage trucks, drug dealing maniacs, students without homework, blustery weather. dog candy won't fix any of that, but look at it anyway.

max stands guard while jim naps. max has a loose interpretation of "stand".

extreme napping after a long day asleep in the car

max dreams of flying.

max and guthrie fall asleep while watching tv.

plaid, stripes, more stripes, cat, dog. harmony.

max snores with his eyes open.

dogpile with cat


CLU said...

I thought the cat hated the dogs, or is this a different one than the angel of death? One dachsy sleeping is enough candy for about 3 weeks; 2 plus a cat requires insulin!

maskedbadger said...

ruby (rarely pictured and rarely seen) hates all of us. dogs, other cat, humans. jim (the orange cat) has a reasonable relationship with max, but in winter everyone is a little more cuddly because our landlord has questionable judgment about when to turn on the heat.

The Brady Family said...

super dog candy. ruby would probably negate the sweetness!