Sunday, March 8, 2009

mad max update

for those of you following max's drama, his recent completely terrifying near-death experience seems to have been some sort of ploy to get and abuse doggy vicodin. he spent yesterday lying on a pillow on the floor. we had to hand feed him and he didn't notice he was peeing on the floor even after i mentioned it very politely. i even spent the night on the couch so i could be nearby in case he needed something. he didn't. today he is up and walking around. he even jumped up on his short back legs when he heard food moving around. we are not quite sure what happened, but we're not asking any questions. we're just glad to have him back a while longer. gravy.


The Brady Family said...

Don't let him share his doggy drugs with Guthrie. That is the last thing you need, Guthrie hopped up on pills.

maskedbadger said...

last time he shared his drugs with guthrie they both wound up in the dog emergency room. i would like to think they have learned, but probably not. the drugs are in a high cabinet. not even jim can reach them.