Tuesday, June 7, 2011

a note from dad

my dad wrote in to let us know how things are going. i figured i'd drag his note up from the comments section so folks won't miss it.

It's amazing the compassion and help that's coming here from all over the country. It seems the whole world is wanting to help in one way or another, and it's VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. Donations are coming in daily..Food, Water, Clothing, and money...Strangers arriving with chainsaws. People in school & church buses driving down streets through all the rubble asking.."NEED ANY HELP"..."WANT SOMETHING TO EAT...DO YOU NEED ANY WATER?" A simple "THANK YOU" is not enough to say for all the love and help shown to the people of Joplin, but I want you and the people from all over the world to know...WE THANK YOU...
Love. Dad

thanks, dad. and be careful of strangers arriving with chainsaws...

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