Sunday, March 23, 2008

superfantastic supernatural nephew

babies are small. all the babies i know right now are extremely small. this does not stop them from exploring what sort of rare creatures they are. the following photos are of my new nephew alex. he is still exploring his supernatural abilities (see earlier entry). it seems he's got some sort of shape/substance shifting skills and also some possible night light skills. his parents posted a few black and white photos on their blog, but this doesn't even begin to capture how spectacular he is. here's their b&w first. the real photos (and his true nature) follow.

this is his bas relief skill. he can just hang out on the facades of buildings, looking for crime to fight if he feels like it. he can also get into museums free this way. he's a pretty smart guy.

this unusual photo captures the split second when alex is rearranging his particulate matter to change from solid to liquid. i know you're jealous. who wouldn't want to be able to swim around with squids and sharks and starfish and let them swim right through your insides?

here he is in his liquid form. this may not seem like a very impressive ability, but here he's 99.99999% liquid with only a thin membrane much like a jellyfish keeping him all together. this allows him a great deal of flexibility so he can pretty much seep into or out of any situation. right now he doesn't shift into this form very often. the diapers present a hazard with their extreme absorbency.

here he's in ghost form. i thought that one seemed a bit silly, but in this form he can fly all over the world, dropping in on the dreams of evildoers, terrifying them into turning their lives around. i know he doesn't look terrifying here, but he's still a baby. he's still working out the kinks.

this last is my favorite. to regular humans he shows his human form because it would be too overwhelming to see what he really looks like all the time, like staring at the sun or having an endless supply of chocolate. you should only glimpse it for a bit, but it's worth a look. in his natural form all his supernaturalness swirls around him and he glows.


The Brady Family said...

he really does have all those powers! we are trying to help him focus the powers, but sometimes it is too much for us to deal with! keep them coming!

Stephanie said...

dear stacy-I so appreciate your creativity and your blog! keep up the good work. I look forward to new posts. you should post more cartoons. steph threatened to email some to me but then she got busy having a baby and now her mind is in babyville.

Stephanie said...

it's been long enough my dear, let's get a post on..........
please?pretty please, with sugar on top!